ESD S20.20 Quality Management Standard for Electrostatic Discharge

ESD S20.20 Quality Management Standard for Electrostatic Discharge

What is ESD S20.20?

ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) is the common occurrence of a momentary electrical shock given off by a person or virtually any 'charged' object. 

ANSI/ESD S20.20 is the multi-industry standard for the development of ESD control programs that protect today’s increasingly sensitive electronic components, assemblies, and equipment from costly ESD damage and reduce down-time. Using the standard’s control methods and guidance, an organization can develop an ESD control program that protects devices down to 100v (class 1a) or less.

Used by numerous international OEMs and serving as the replacement for MIL-STD 1686, the S20.20 standard has quickly become highly regarded in the commercial electronic, telecommunication, aerospace, automotive, and medical device industries. In fact, the telecommunications industry standard TL 9000 references the S20.20 standard as a best practice for meeting ESD control needs.

An ESD control program helps eliminate costly component failures while increasing customer satisfaction. NQA’s ESDA-accredited Facility Certification program offers organizations a way to ensure that their programs meet the requirements and provides evidence of compliance for customer and marketing purposes.

What are the benefits of ESD S20.20 certification?

Today’s electronic components can very easily be damaged or rendered defective by improper handling. And rejection or reworking of parts damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD) can cost the organizations that handle electronic components valuable time and money.

  • Increases organizational ESD awareness
  • Improves overall process performance and control of products
  • Decreases failure rate, minimizes rework and reduces expenses
  • Provides alignment with electronics industry peers
  • Offers visible proof to your customers during site visits of
  • ESD controls (proper clothing, grounded tables, signage, etc.)
  • Creates a competitive advantage and increases marketability


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How to verify NQA certificate?

1. Client can verify their certificate with the QR code on the certificate( Scan the QR code) Or
2. Send email to to verify the certificate
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